
Friday, February 17, 2012


Google Earth screengrab
This will be incredibly awesome if they pull this off, especially for folks in Kitsap County who take the Bremerton and Bainbridge ferries. All four major sports (plus futbol) will be within walking distance from the ferry terminal. Maybe that'll get some more Bremerton sailings.

Anyway, yesterday was a day I didn't think would happen for a long time. They've still got a long way to go, but i'm pretty sure this is the best shot we'll get to bring back the NBA and get the NHL. For the record, I'll never turn my back on the Canucks (they've given me too many good memories while the Seattle teams have been awful or left town), but will more than gladly root for a second team for every game except the six or so per year when they face Vancouver.

What a time this is.

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