
Saturday, December 24, 2011


I won't say I'm going to get back onto the horse with Sports and B's or anything. There's no way it'll be what it was. The most updated page on this blog over the past two years has been the Mariners' uniform number page, which I'll plan to update for as long as I can (the numbers are frozen from the final day of the 2011 season until Opening Day 2012, by the way). That said, I still feel I have stuff to say about sports even if I may not have time to rattle off huge multi-paragraph blog posts.

I've sworn off Twitter in every other aspect of life, but now I might finally have found a use for it. In short, I might finally start posting stuff. Follow me on Twitter @dsportsandbrems.

On the off chance someone still has this blog in their RSS feeds, thanks. I hope you've been well.

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