
Saturday, March 27, 2004


I'll warm up to the Mariner stuff here with a slight diversion. I had stayed up again last night just to make sure CBC British Columbia didn't show the animated flyover pre-signoff montage with "O Canada" playing (to those wondering how closely I paid attention to this, the sequence now is photo montage => still ID with moving graphics => test pattern => snow/static). Before I made sure of that, the channel was airing a late night movie, like it seems to usually do. The movie last night was some movie with Tom Cavanagh from Ed, and I tried to go to IMDb.com and look it up, but I couldn't find it right away and didn't want to look through every title just yet. If it helps, the movie involves four male friends who seem to all have relationship problems with their female companions at the same time. Cavanagh's character has his wife cheat on him. He then goes back to his (and his wife's) house and runs a chainsaw through the kitchen counter, after having thrown and smashed other breakable things. He ends up going to the store, buying food, and eating all of it in a gluttonous fashion. Another of the male friends in the movie was a wife beater. Some other female that one of the guys knew got knocked up on a one-night stand. I really wish I could remember the title of this movie. The storyline for these guys was like a minefield. Anyway, there was a narrative part in the movie that spouted off a quote that stuck in my head...

"Hell is other people." -- Jean Paul Sartre

It's a fun one to interpret, it is. You could take it in an obvious way, or you could try to think deeply about it. Or you could click that last link and totally spoil it for yourself, then try to interpret it again.

And now...Mariner links and hopefully half-intelligent thoughts from me.

Okay, so I just read the articles and have realized that I unfortunately didn't see a lot to work with. The Times and P-I articles focus on a lot of the same things. The Mariners won today. Edgar clubbed one off Ryan Jensen. Jamie Moyer stretched out to seven innings (if that doesn't make you realize how close opening day is, nothing will). Cuts were given to Luis Oliveros, Bucky Jacobsen, Jamal Strong (because cutting Crack just wouldn't be prudent...), and Rule V.

Main differences --

The Times article quoted Melvin as suggesting Edgar will "almost certainly" hit cleanup against lefties. This returned a bit of sanity to my life, knowing that Edgar, at least some of the time, wouldn't be hitting fifth and wouldn't be hitting behind Ibanez (presuming they don't hold back Boone to fifth, which would irk me).

With Melvin saying such things about Edgar batting cleanup again, it may suggest a leak of sanity into his mind. Add to the situation this, from the P-I article...

Melvin, who praised catcher Ben Davis' calling of pitches for Moyer, planned to have Moyer throw just six innings.

Wha...? Ben Davis? Bob Melvin? Praise? Pitch calling? I think my head just exploded.

This is sad. That's pretty much all I have to say about the Mariners for now. Maybe it's because I'm pretty much pooped after seeing a co-worker and his band (Fear of Sorrow, the answer to the question "how much is possible with three people, drop-D tuning, and not a lot of solos?") play at the Manette Saloon (a Port Orchard growly metal band named Kilkhal opened...both bands were solid). Maybe it's because I have the chance of having a wicked hockey day with the opportunity to watch Colorado/Detroit and Dallas/Vancouver on the same day, along with select NCAA tournament action.

If any of you were treated to seeing Spike TV's marathon of Most Extreme Elimination Challenge on Thursday, you'll be able to catch another marathon on April Fool's Day. The show is just beyond evil. Japanese gameshow (that takes care of the visual) combined with rapid-fire American punchlines (humor). To top it off, seemingly everyone on the show is wearing some sort of outrageous inane costume.

I need to wind down here before my mind starts running a thousand miles an hour. It should only be doing that during the day. It's bad when that happens in class, let me tell you.

My next post will not feature a Spanish headline.

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