
Monday, December 15, 2003


Matt at JAMB posts about the process of gradually making the Mariners less and less a part of his life.

I'm not sure exactly where the point for me starting that process was last season -- I think it might have been after the horrendous road trip through Toronto and Boston. The four-game sweep in Boston that basically put the Wild Card champagne on ice for the Red Sox. It got to the point where I was expecting and rooting for the Mariners to lose every night just so I could feel right about something. I was absolutely delirious. But at the same time, I expected them to find ways to lose AND THEY DID.

That said, the aforementioned process didn't really occur until the realized .500ness of the Mariners started to really set in. The peak moments of the season were undeniably the 42-19 start and the Braves series at the Safe. The other peak moment was Raf Soriano mowing down Nomar at the Safe on a Saturday afternoon.

The "process" this year has already begun. For the last three weeks or thereabouts, I've been staying up until midnight waiting for the Times, P-I, and Tribune to refresh and give me some Mariners material to analyze and dissect, all in hopes of the latest news or good news or whatnot. After all this unfulfilled Tejada hype and all of these incorrigible "Plan B" moves (I wouldn't take these guys with plans W, X, Y, or even Z), I didn't check last night's Times and P-I articles at midnight and I still haven't read 22 hours later. It starts with that, ladies and gentlemen.

As for good news, maybe I will have an awesome GPA next quarter. Intermediate GIS, Computer cartography, and isotope tracers await me next quarter. I rue the day when I have only to look forward to class and not the Mariners, who will undeniably suck next year.

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