
Wednesday, July 28, 2004


It finally dawned on me last night after having that Bill Bavasi semi-quote at the top of our site for months, that a more accurate word would be "paraphrased" rather than "indirect."

The quote itself (and its original post reaction) is this...

"We plan to show up and give them a good run."

So really, only the first two words were changed, and the words are indeed out of Bill Bavasi's mouth, so I think it's paraphrased as opposed to indirect.

Regarding other things toward the top of the page, enabling Denmark font will help you see all the post headlines in a font similar to the logo at the top of the page. Enabling 1024x768 screen resolution will help you fit the entire logo on one screen. In my experience, 800x600 makes it necessary to scroll right to see the entire Sports and B's logo. These two are just aesthetic/visual things, nothing much.

About the final tinkering in the intro paragraph, yes, I'm back in the town of B, so yes, one of us is actually in Bremerton.

As for other things having to do with the site, I do realize we're damn near three months behind on the weekly description thing, which was intended for Jeremy, I, and the readers to get more than just the archive dates on the side; they'd get little blips as to what was going on that week, and maybe have an easier time getting to what they wanted. Granted, it's a high-maintenance thing, but one day, we'll get around to it.

Finally, we're just a couple weeks from the one-year mark for Sports and B's, and to somewhat commemorate the occasion, we'll be working on a Sports and B's Hall of Fame, because quite frankly, there's a few Bremerton athletes that we feel deserve to be in it. What would come with an entry? Probably a permanent and periodically updated post, a picture if we can dig one up, and some accompanying links. That and a permanent link on the sidebar to said post. Should be fun.

To those of you in disbelief that we're nearing the one-year mark here at Sports and B's, it's most likely because we didn't really get linked by the bulk of the blogosphere until a couple of months into our existence (though right before the blogosphere went from about six to twenty-plus in the span of a couple of weeks). I like to say that this enabled us to hone our craft before we delved into the main Mariner readership with our brand of stuff.

Anyway, readers, thanks for sticking with us in my absence in the recent past, thanks for sticking with Jeremy while I was gone, thanks for putting up with my blogpost reacclimation period, and if there's anyone that's been with us since around November of last year, big thanks for sticking with us through the many evolutions of Sports and Bremertonians as we know it.

Thanks, all. Tomorrow is upon us.

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