
Tuesday, July 27, 2004


I'm listening to Baseball's Best Postgame Show on KJR-AM after another Mariner loss. Big shock, eh?

Anyways, Bob Melvin before tonight's ballgame admitted that Monday's umpiring crew did a "good job". Give me a f***ing break, Bob.

Sure, in most cases, hindsight plays into the situation. But dammit, what does this do for Travis Blackley? DEFEND YOUR TEAM, BOB! It doesn't matter if he thinks that the umps were "right".

Lou Piniella wouldn't have admitted he was wrong in the press. If there's one change in 2005 that I want to see, I want Melvin gone. I don't give a damn if he's extended for 2005. This team isn't going anywhere with Bob Melvin.

Oh, and Willie Bloomquist sucks. Thank you and tip your waitress. (WHERE WAS BUCKY JACOBSEN? WE LIKE BUCKY BLASTS, NOT BUCK'S A&W!!!)

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