
Saturday, February 14, 2004


Thank you

Yes, it's true.

You can find anything on the internet.

I found this site, called the Logo Server, earlier today on some internet message board (can't remember which one, and it doesn't really matter). Has all the logos of the 4 major sports as well as the colleges (American and Canadian). There's even minor league logos too!

Here's a few of my favorite logos, old, new, defunct, whatever.

New England Patriots...the Hiking Minuteman

Take hold of The Whale!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sacramento Surge. The WLAF. Great stuff.

And what about the Arkansas minor league teams?

Well, here's two failed minor league hockey teams, each of them folding within the past 5 years:

The Arkansas Glacier Cats of the WPHL

The Arkansas Riverblades of the ECHL

It's a great time wasting site. Check it out.

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