
Friday, February 13, 2004


This one's from yesterday now, but our resident B-town UNC-bound b-ball player Marvin Williams got some good-sized press in the Tribune. There's some stuff about the recruiting process, some stuff about college before the NBA, and some quotes from coach Casey Lindberg, who was a super substitute teacher in my formative junior high years.

Also, John McGrath starts hacking away at the record books on the heels of the indictment of Barry Bonds' personal trainer in the big BALCO case. McGrath suggests putting asterisks next to every statistic from 1998-2003 to have an asterisk next to it due to the lack of steroid policy in those years. McGrath almost lays out an assault on Bonds' trainer. The article almost oozes of near-sarcasm or a chain of "what about this? This? Aaand this??!?!" thinking, if there is such a thing.

What intrigues me is how cavalierly Bonds associated with the men charged Thursday. He's often been seen wearing a cap advertising the the logo of Conte's company, BALCO. On the night he hit his 73rd home run, during a ceremony held after the game at Pac Bell Park in San Francisco, he singled out Anderson in his thank-you speech.

Like I said in a more concise fashion, I just hope like hell that we don't ever have to look on the records that fell with any sort of side-eye or necessary skepticism, at least not in the way that it would if this all went down.

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