
Sunday, February 22, 2004


Just thought I'd tell everyone that our other stuff section does have the array of photos from yesterday at Peoria (credits given), with nifty mouse-over captions.

You know what they always say this time of year...you know baseball's back if you get multiple senses into it. You can see everything through these pictures or sights, but you can't smell the pine tar, and you can't hear the crack of the bat as it hits the ball, and you can't hear the pop of the ball in the catcher's mitt after a pitch. Back in baseball camp in the summer of 1998 in Oliver, BC, one of the instructors by the name of Byron Tait made us come over and smell the pine tar rag. Why? That smell just reeks of baseball, and if you got your mind focused the right way, I'm sure you could have that scent be another step in the path of mental preparedness, maybe having a similar effect as a cup of coffee to wake oneself.

I would say I live for this, but MLB already took that slogan, those bastards, so I'll have to think of something else.

Baseball -- the only thing that can keep David's mind focused for more than 30 seconds.

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