
Thursday, October 30, 2003


Yeah, I've gotta comment on those Mavs uniforms. They looked like garbage bags or something. That friggin looked weird.

Orlando also messed with the lettering on their road unis. Also, it looks weird. Also looks like they have nothing on the uniform that says or exudes "Magic" in any way. I guess it's kind of like what the Pacers or Nets have done.

And last night, we saw the Toronto Raptors red jerseys. God help us all.

On NHL2Night last night, Jeremy and I were witness to two countdowns. One was for top 10 best hockey uniforms of all time, the other was for top 10 worst.

In top 10 best, they had the old standards: Boston, the Habs, the vintage Leafs, Blackhawks (number one, surprisingly), yada yada.

In the top 10 worst, they had two of the Canucks old-skool uniforms -- one that I like to call the "stick-in-box" jersey (that's before I heard it called "stick-in-rink"), and the other with the big black-and-orange V. Also up there were what Bucci and company called the "Burger King" Kings jerseys, and the Denver Rockies also had their due. But number one was the Gorton Fisherman jerseys of the New York Islanders, which were so bad they ended up going back to the old logo. I highly doubt anyone that bought any Isles merchandise from that era still wears it with pride; they're probably ashamed to have it.

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